McNeil USA Wins Top Waste to Energy Solutions Provider 2023

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Recently, the technology magazine Energy Tech Review announced their Top 10 Waste to Energy Solutions Providing Companies of 2023, and McNeil USA was one of them! Energy Tech Review wrote a spotlight article highlighting McNeil’s unique approach, complete with quotes from our president, Jim Schuhl Sr. Read the complete article here:

Why Boiler Tube Repair Is Important

Boiler tubes are the primary sources of heat transfer in any boiler system. The type of system you have changes the layout, but all boilers must transfer heat from the fire side to the water side. The tubes handle that transfer and steam release for the entire system.

Regardless of your industry, boiler tube maintenance and repair are crucial for consistent outputs. Repairing your boiler tubes can increase the overall life of your boiler system. Plus, finding a solid maintenance and repair routine will keep your equipment in premium condition.

2 Types of Tube Boilers

The two different types of boilers are:

1. Water Tube Boiler

In water tube boilers, exhaust travels through narrow tubes to transfer heat circulating through tubes between two larger drums. The advantages of using water tube boilers include higher steam release capabilities, a smaller energy footprint and a higher operating pressure range.

2. Fire Tube Boiler

Fire tube boilers are pressure vessel boilers that pass gas or exhaust through tubes to heat the surrounding water with a simple design and larger tubes than water tube boilers. The benefits of fire tube boilers include lower upfront costs, ease of maintenance and higher water volume.

Consequences of Poor Maintenance

Maintaining your boiler system can improve its overall health. Without proper maintenance checks, minor issues quickly develop into expensive repairs.

Common consequences include:

  • Boiler tube failure
  • Personnel risks
  • Inefficient outputs
  • Increased downtime

The more regularly you inspect your boiler system, the less likely it is that you will experience these issues.

What Causes Boiler Tube Failure?

Many different factors can cause boiler tube failure, but a few reasons apply to both fire and water tube boilers. Some common reasons for boiler tube failure are:

  • Poor water quality and treatment.
  • Tubes extending beyond code allowances.
  • Excessive water side scale or fire side soot.

Addressing these causes with regular maintenance checks can prevent future retubing procedures.

Boiler Tube Repair Process

A certified technician should perform all boiler tube repairs. When a technician completes the boiler tube replacement, they can tell you what caused the issue.

The basic steps for a boiler tube repair are:

  • Assess the failure and determine the best course of action.
  • Remove the broken tube and determine the failure cause to prevent further repairs.
  • Review the tube’s condition and the connection spots to check for any other signs of wear.
  • Connect the new boiler tube following code requirements.
  • Perform a pressure test that addresses code levels to make sure the tube is installed correctly.
  • Complete any repair forms and reinstall the boilerplate.

Save your boiler from unnecessary boiler retubing and schedule maintenance with a reliable repair company.

More Information From McNeil, Your Heat Solutions Repair Company

McNeil provides high-quality heat solutions and materials. We have helped our customers improve their boiler systems since 1937, so we can offer expert advice and help you find the appropriate solutions and products for your needs.

For more information about boiler repair and maintenance, contact the McNeil team online.